- Mã sản phẩm: C-H10-C11
- Thương hiệu: Microchip Technology / Atmel
- Mô tả ngắn: DatasheetsAT89S52Product Training ModulesMCU Product Line IntroductionSoftware Framework (ASF) Example of UseStudio Introduction to Software Framework (ASF)Studio Development Environment Overview Part 1Design ResourcesDevelopment Tool SelectorPCN Design/SpecificationCopper Bonding Wire 17/Oct/2013Standard Package 160CategoryIntegrated Circuits (ICs)FamilyEmbedded - MicrocontrollersSeries89SPackaging Tray Core Processor8051Core Size8-BitSpeed24MHzConnectivityUART/USARTPeripheralsWDTNumber of I/O32Program Memory Size8KB (8K...
- Mã sản phẩm: C-H10-C12
- Thương hiệu: Microchip Technology / Atmel
- Mô tả ngắn: DatasheetsAT89S52Product Training ModulesMCU Product Line IntroductionSoftware Framework (ASF) Example of UseStudio Introduction to Software Framework (ASF)Studio Development Environment Overview Part 1Design ResourcesDevelopment Tool SelectorPCN Design/SpecificationCopper Bonding Wire 17/Oct/2013Standard Package 10CategoryIntegrated Circuits (ICs)FamilyEmbedded - MicrocontrollersSeries89SPackaging Tube Core Processor8051Core Size8-BitSpeed24MHzConnectivityUART/USARTPeripheralsWDTNumber of I/O32Program Memory Size8KB (8K...