The IR2133IR2135/IR2233IR2355 (J&S) are high voltage, high speed power MOSFET and IGBT driver with three independent high side and low side referenced output channels for 3-phase applications. Proprietary HVIC technology enables ruggedized monolithic construction. Logic inputs are compatible with CMOS or LSTTL outputs, down to 2.5V logic. An independent operational amplifier provides an analog feedback of bridge current via an external current sense resistor. A current trip function which terminates all six outputs can also be derived from this resistor. A shutdown function is available to terminate all six outputs. An open drain FAULT signal is provided to indicate that an over-current or undervoltage shutdown has occurred. Fault conditions are cleared with the FLT-CLR lead. The output drivers feature a high pulse current buffer stage designed for minimum driver cross conduction. Propagation delays are matched to simplify use in high frequency applications. The floating channels can be used to drive N-channel power MOSFETs or IGBTs in the high side configuration which operates up to 600 volts or 1200 volts